What I Guarantee

What I Do Not Guarantee

Experience and Knowledge

I will bring all my experience and education as an editor to help make your story the best it can be. I will bring my experience as a reader and lover of story to represent your future readers and make suggestions with them in mind. I will bring ALL my experience and knowledge as a project planner, and software developer, as a woman, wife, parent, pet parent, sister, friend, as a cook, baker, knitter, yogi, hiker—all of it to ensure your story has a sense of truth and reality for your readers.


When I take on your project, I am working on only your project. Your story gets all of my focus for the duration it’s in my hands. Which is awesome, since I do some of my best problem solving while walking! I respond to emails within one business day of receiving them and send you an update about halfway through.

Care and Enthusiasm

I can guarantee that I'll care about your story almost as much as you do. I promise to get excited about your story and to gesticulate wildly when we talk about it because I’m so excited and have so many ideas.

An Error-free Manuscript

The accepted industry margin for error is 5%. Some of this is because editors are only human (although even AI gets grammar wrong occasionally). Some of this is because some "rules" of the English language aren't rules at all, which means some people will always find an error where there is no actual error to be found, just a style choice.

A Contract with a Traditional Publisher

I cannot guarantee your manuscript will be bought by an agent or an editor at a traditional publishing house. Some days the decision to buy a manuscript has nothing to do with the quality of the story. Some days it comes down to whether the purchasing agent ate a bad breakfast burrito that morning.

A Sale Directly to a Reader

I can't guarantee people will buy your story if you independently publish. I wish I could!