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Developmental Edit
I read your manuscript twice. The first time, I take extensive notes about characters and character arc, setting and worldbuilding, plot and structure, literary elements, genre reader expectations, and more. I use these notes to create a detailed editorial plan and letter.
On the second read, I gently mark up the manuscript, using Microsoft Word and its Track Changes and Comments features. Markup includes questions, pinpoint suggestions, and occasional line edits to provide an example for modifying the writing to address issues of point of view, characterization, dialog, etc.
You’ll receive from me a marked up manuscript, a style sheet, an editorial plan, and an editorial letter. The editorial plan details suggested structural changes such as adding or deleting scenes, moving scenes, and ways to heighten tension within scenes. The editorial letter explains what’s working, what needs improvements, suggestions for those improvements, and a list of books that have elements similar to yours.
I recommend doing a developmental edit when you’ve received confusing or conflicting advice from beta readers, or when you have taken the story as far as you can on your own and you want solid guidance and concrete advice for improving it.